Above: From ‘The Navy’ magazine. July 1950, Vol 14, no. 7, p.6. Click image for larger version.
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Trevor Dunstan March 23, 2016 at 8:50 am
I worked at W. G. Goetz & Sons from February 1979 until Easter 1983 as an Apprentice Fitter and Turner in Engineering side of Goetz. I believe that working at Goetz gave me a great start to mine (maybe didn’t recognize this at the time) and many others working careers. Most apprentices I know or hear of that worked there are successful in both that careers and at life. To think back to our old bosses such as Scotty, Bluey, Thommo and Hec Mitchell gave us the traits they installed in us should be applauded.Most of my time was spent on the Lathes but the type of different machines that you could be placed on was vast and I would be surprised if any current apprentices get this opportunity. I think I was successful at my job as midway through my 4th year I was employed as the Quality Control Inspector or this maybe was to keep me out of the way HA HA.Thank you to the many tradesmen how taught me many things. Theo Moltz, Jimmy Bird, Macca, Ray, Colin, Steve and may more and the other apprentices who some I still see and some who unfortunately has passed away, life is too short.Goetz was a special place and it still surprises me how many people who I didn’t know but worked there.My trade gave the chance to become a Maintenance Planner, Manufacturing Manager and now Own and operate my own Engineering Company.Thank you for taking the time to read my story.Best regards,Trevor Dunstan