On 21st November 1962, approval was granted to extend the foundry towards the nearby railway line reserve.
Documents fro PROV – see citations below.
Click images below for larger versions
Below: Cover of the file containing the architectural plan for the foundry extension.
Below: Architectural site plan of the proposed extensions.
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Below: The stamp of approval from the Department Of Labour And Industry imprinted on the rear of the plan sheet. The handwritten note says
“Senior Inspector (Factory Standards)
Part marked red for addition
Shelter over Core oven”
Below: A short letter of approval from the Dandenong council Building Surveyor, dated 22nd November, 1962.
Citations from Public Records Office of Victoria
VPRS 10150/P0000, Plan 7355 File Red 2950
Eastern Metallurgical Founders Proprietary Limited Grace Street Dandenong; Addition to existing building
VPRS 10150/P0000, Plan 1182 File Red 4031 File Black 1237
W G Goetz ans Sons Limited Grace Street Dandenong; New Foundry James H Wardrop