This post has a collection of blueprint diagrams, instruction cards and a user manual for the 15C, 15 Ton Power Press.
For photos, see the 15C Photo Post
Operating Instructions & Parts List
The instruction manual contains foldout copies of the following diagrams:
- Foundation Diagram (date unclear, but appears to be a copy of a blueprint drawn on 18 September 1948 – see scanned copy below)
- General Assembly diagram (originally drawn 20 July 1958)
- Sub Assembly Brake diagram (originally drawn 2 September 1964)
Click the image below to download a PDF of the manual (6.4 MB)
Foundation Diagram Blueprint, 18 September 1945
Press Details Blueprint, 30 June 1948
Instruction & Schedule of Details Cards
The above blueprints and cards were sent to new Power Press owners in envelopes, some of which like this example, must have been old stock left over from when W. G. Goetz was located in West Melbourne. The old address has been crossed out and the Hall Street, Spotswood address has been added. ‘Pty’ has also been crossed out, reflecting the change to a public company from 1 April 1939.