Hall Street Site Plan & Photos

Below: Site plan of the Hall Street factory and offices. Drawn 12th March 1980 by B.F. Street. Thanks to Ken Scott for rescuing this from being lost forever. Click on image for larger version.Hall-St-plan-large


A few photos from the factory in Hall Street, Spotswood, from an early catalogue.


Drawing-officeDrawing office

Grinding-section-in-tool-shopGrinding section, tool shop

Main-machine-shop-bayMain machine shop bay


  Robert Bradbury
Hi Goetz family, I’m the grandson of Charles Wagner of Wagner Bros Engineers Machine And Tool Manufacturers , Grattan And Berkeley Streets Carlton. We have some photos of what looks like a Goetz family picnic which includes my young grandfather Charles. They also came from southern Germany around 1890 to settle in Carlton in 1900 . There is also an original photo of Goetz Engineers Melbourne including Otto. I’m assuming there may have been friendship or a work related association as my great grandfather had horse racing interests also .Kind Regards
Robert Bradbury